These very good recordings were always worth their place in the catalogue to which they are now restored. Bream's 1969 version of No. 7 is still the best available (RCA GL42753, 3/79) and Pepe Romero's integral set of the Quintets (Philips 6768 268, 12/81) has since come on the scene. What this disc offers is the two most colourful items of all, the last movements of No. 9 (La ritirata di Madrid) and No. 4 (Fandango, complete with castanets) on the same record; in a corpus of music with so much below 'masterpiece' level this is not unimportant.
It offers also much first-class playing from all concerned, tonal warmth and faithful recording—though the guitar might have been given a bit more prominence, audibility being preferable to fidelity in music of this unpretentious kind. -- J.D., Gramophone [7/1982]
MP3 320 · 131 MB
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