“Azzolini is on excellent form again and seems to have lost none of the infectious eagerness with which he started out...[He] catches all these moods and is everywhere tireless in avoidance of the routine - listen to the dramatic pause before the last ritornello in RV496, where others might simply have ploughed on head-down...Has anyone ever grabbed hold of this music so wholeheartedly?” --Gramophone Magazine, March 2012 »Download Torrent
“The performances are very much in the modern Italian manner: period instruments played with gusto, a terrific sense of attack pervading outer movements. Azzolini burbles and rasps away merrily, yet there's poetry aplenty in slow movements, where he displays an unsurpassed palette of tonal colour...[I] cannot imagine these concertos better played, with such infectious exuberance.” --International Record Review, January 2012
MP3 32O · 167 MB
Vivaldi: Bassoon Concertos Volume 2
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