"The Tapiola Sinfonietta under its former (1993-2000) director Jean-Jacques Kantorow match him in detail in a cleanly balanced recording. Both symphonies are played with relish, all solo opportunities exploited to the full. The music is charming, but Weber is surely still going to be remembered best for his operas and their overtures, but at least it gives clarinettists and, in this instance, bassoonists a chance to shine." --MusicWeb International
Tapiola Sinfonietta, Jean-Jacques Kantorow
Kantorow and the Tapiola Sinfonietta revisit Weber focusing on works by the young composer, before the fame that his opera Der Freischütz would bring. The two symphonies – the only works in the genre that Weber composed – were written in the space of six weeks around New Year 1808, while Weber were staying at the court of the Count of Württemberg-Öls in Carlsruhe (nowadays Pokój in Poland). The symphonies also bear witness to the period of transition from classicism to romanticism, particularly in terms of orchestral colour
Kantorow and the Tapiola Sinfonietta revisit Weber focusing on works by the young composer, before the fame that his opera Der Freischütz would bring. The two symphonies – the only works in the genre that Weber composed – were written in the space of six weeks around New Year 1808, while Weber were staying at the court of the Count of Württemberg-Öls in Carlsruhe (nowadays Pokój in Poland). The symphonies also bear witness to the period of transition from classicism to romanticism, particularly in terms of orchestral colour
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