Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 7, 2013

Mozart: Violin Concertos Nos. 3 & 5

“These are bright, lively performances, on modern instruments but well aware of 18th-century style. The finales of all three works are especially successful..Tognetti and Moore are wonderfully well-matched, and when they play together in parallel their tones make a perfect blend.” --Gramophone Magazine, February 2011

“When Mozart presents a statement on one instrument and repeats it on the other, their phrasing is perfectly matched; similarly, when they play together, they blend effortlessly. It's like listening to chamber music.” --Classic FM Magazine, April 2011 ***

“This is a wonderfully refreshing Mozart disc...Tognetti's phrasing is stylish, imaginative but never eccentric, and the orchestral accompaniment is played with an alertness and care over rhythms that produce results that are notably tidy as well as scrupulously shaped....Tognetti's ornamentation and embellishment feel just right too.” --International Record Review, December 2010

“Just a few bars of the neatly sprung opening tutti of Mozart's G major violin concerto K216 are enough to confirm...the tremendous energy and sense of musical purpose that are so characteristic of the Australian Chamber Orchestra and their leader Richard Tognetti...These are modern-instrument performances of great personality and emotional generosity.” --The Guardian, 18th November 2010 ****

“It’s not easy being graceful one minute, punchy the next, but the Australian Chamber Orchestra, equipped with gut strings and other period habits, manages with ease on this gripping disc. The cake’s icing is Tognetti...Phrasing and speed control are fresh and thoughtful, cadenzas weighty, textures unfailingly clear. Delightful music-making.” --The Times, 27th November 2010 ****

“Tognetti is in total control both as leader and soloist in beautifully nuanced performances of the third and fifth violin concertos...Tuning to a warmer A=430 (rather than standard 440) and using gut strings, they produce a gloriously exciting, tangy edged, alert and playful sound.” --The Observer, 26th December 2010

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